1 August 2023

Reflect and Recharge

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As an empowerment coach and transformational trainer, I know the importance of rest and reflection. Of course, after hard work comes a well-deserved holiday. So now that summer is here, I like to give tips on how to efficiently, recharge your batteries.

How do you set yourself up for the remainder of the year?

Now that we are halfway through the year, it is a good time to pause, reflect and recharge for the months ahead. Together, let’s explore meaningful ways to reflect on the past half of the year and provide tips to reinvigorate your mind and body. Let’s enter the second half of the year with renewed energy and purpose!

Reflecting On The Past Six Months

Before planning further and shooting into action, it is interesting to reflect on what has already passed. Take time to review the goals you had set for yourself at the beginning of the year. And if you have not set specific goals, still review how you may have (un)consciously achieved certain goals.

Also, don’t forget to celebrate your achievements. Acknowledge challenges and identify areas for growth.

In doing so, you can ask yourself the following questions:

Based on these answers, you will get the overview of your past months in a nutshell and you can adjust yourself where necessary for the next period.

Be grateful

Here’s a reminder to thank yourself for your hard and valuable work. We are often quick to thank others but rarely give ourselves the same gratitude.

Reflecting on the positive aspects of your life and applying gratitude in your daily routine can help you maintain a healthy mindset and increase your overall happiness!

Renew Your Goals

Revisit your goals and ambitions and adjust them if necessary. Set new goals for the coming months based on the insights gained during your reflection.

Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Break them down into achievable steps to stay motivated and focused. Don’t set the bar too high and be honest with yourself, that way you will achieve more in the long run.

Digital Detox

In this increasingly connected world, it is essential to take a break from technology. Plan a digital detox weekend or even one day a week. Disconnect from social media, emails and notifications.

Instead, do activities that bring you joy, such as reading, spending time in nature or practising mindfulness. Establish a self-care routine with activities such as exercise, meditation, good sleep, healthy eating and hobbies that bring you joy.


Remember that the second half of the year offers endless opportunities for growth and transformation. Take this time to reflect, recharge and shift your focus.

Embrace the journey ahead with enthusiasm, purpose and resilience.

I wish you a productive second half of the year with lots of fulfilment and great projects!

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